Summer is BUSY (and HOT)

O.K. The kids have made it back to school and so I am back at the computer! This is the first summer I have had since opening the doors to Cora Elizabeth Photography and I have learned 2 things: I am REALLY busy in the summer time and it can be awfully hot to hold photo shoots! In addition to managing my house of 4 (children, that is!) I shot lots of photos for HYC Swim Team (go Marlins), took a trip to the Keys and took a stab at underwater photography.  Next summer I may try and do some "life-style" shoots at the beach where wind blown hair and sandy faces RULE and the ocean breeze keeps the temps a little more reasonable! Stay tuned. But let's talk about now--I have some FUN shoots lined up over the next few weeks so check back as I will be posting on a (more) regular basis.  

A zen moment during sunset at Hobcaw Yacht Club

A zen moment during sunset at Hobcaw Yacht Club

Eliza W blowing sweet kisses!

Eliza W blowing sweet kisses!

The Ingrassia children on what I swear was the HOTTEST evening of the summer! They were troopers!

The Ingrassia children on what I swear was the HOTTEST evening of the summer! They were troopers!

future olympian!

future olympian!

Cora Elizabeth1 Comment